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International Center of the
Focolare Movement

Italy, Rocca di Papa

Current operational center of the Focolare Movement, as the main seat of the majority of the offices linked to the various branches of the same Movement.

Specific requests:  

Depending on the services to be performed, specific training and a level of knowledge of the Italian language are required. In some cases a good knowledge of the English language is also required. Greenpass is required

Mode: face-to-face / online

Period: from September to June

Minimum time:  2 months

Maximum time: 10 months

Context of the community in which he works

The International Center was born as the first "Mariapolis Center" for International Meetings of the Focolare Movement, in 1963, for the spiritual and human formation of its members, a point of exchange of life and experiences at a world level, of openness to dialogue with all , of welcome typical of those who believe in universal brotherhood.


In the mid-1980s, with the opening of the Mariapolis Center in Castel Gandolfo, it was transformed into the current operational center of the Focolare Movement, as the main seat of the majority of the offices linked to the various branches of the same Movement.

Its goals

The International Center is at the service of the entire Focolare Movement throughout the world, in all its branches and actions. The objective of the Focolare is to cooperate in building a more united world, impelled by Jesus' prayer to the Father "that they may all be one" (Jn 17:21), while respecting and valuing diversity. Thus the Movement sees within it Christians of many Churches and Christian communities, faithful of other religions and people of non-religious convictions. Each adheres to it by sharing its purpose and spirit, in fidelity to his own Church, faith, and conscience. At its basis, and therefore at the basis of life, including working life in the International Center, are the Art of Loving, the Community Dimension and Dialogue.

Main activities carried out

The International Center is at the service of the entire Movement around the world and people of the most varied nationalities and professionalism work there. Here are all the various "centers" (offices) of the Movement, which represent and support all expressions of the Focolare at an international level, proposing programs, materials, documents, publications and projects that can help the path towards universal brotherhood and the world. united. Each branch of the Movement in every nation of the world will then be able to use them freely, realizing the path towards unity in the local cultural and religious environment.

Volunteers profile

There is no specific profile for the volunteer

Tasks to be done

  • General archive (paper, audio, video and photos): digitization and cataloging; archival rearrangement, watermark replacement; scans; metadata control. Knowledge of the Italian language is required, at a basic or advanced level, depending on the tasks to be performed.

  • Youth Centers: communication through social media; event preparation; preparation of training material; archive; insertion of content on the site; secretarial work. Political Movement for Unity: communication through social media; preparation of events, seminars - courses and training schools with young people for young people; design. Requires mother tongue English and intermediate knowledge of Italian.

  • Communication Office: journalistic and social media collaboration; social media management, editing, administration and possibly graphics. Training or experience in communication, English and advanced Italian is required

  • Translation Office: translations from mother tongue into Italian and / or vice-versa; simultaneous interpretation in the cabin. A person who studies or has studied interpreting and translations is required. Action for New Families Association: we work to support the family and disadvantaged children: administration, secretarial, archive, communication, planning

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