Lorenza Maccini

Before leaving for the project with Sol Naciente School, I was excited and thrilled to leave and learn about a new reality. It was a dream I had had for many years and I couldn't wait to be able to live it. For this very reason I was also afraid of being disappointed. The outward journey started immediately uphill with difficulties at the airports due to a worldwide computer problem, delays, running to catch the connection, and as the cherry on top, in Bogota my suitcase did not arrive (it was sent to me after 5 days).
Upon arriving at the Mariapolis center I immediately received so much warmth, I felt loved, welcomed, and they gave me everything I needed. I found myself in a situation of need because without the suitcase many things I didn't have and so in this way I learned to ask for help and let them help me, when usually I happen to be on the opposite side. Every little gesture I saw as a gift and although I didn't have my clothes and things, I had the necessities and I was happy and very grateful. This unexpected event was an opportunity to appreciate the essentials and experience Providence. It taught me to be less attached to material things and learn to share more.
Wandering around the cities and seeing the brightly colored murals depicting Colombian faces, the richly colored and patterned local handicrafts, and the music and dancing fascinated me. I was lucky enough to see some wonderful places like Guatavita with its lagoon, Villa de Leyva, Ràquira, Chichinquirà, attend a marathon in Bogota, visit the Gold Museum and some of the main places in Bogota, and admire the immensity of this city from Monserrate.
I didn't think I would have physical difficulties because of the altitude, but instead I found myself facing limitations by feeling my body not fully adapting to the environment.
A very powerful moment was the first day I went to school. Walking through the halls and seeing the uniformed children snacking and playing outside moved me and I could not hold back the tears. I was living the dream I had been carrying in my heart for a long time and I couldn't believe it, I was happy and full of joy. The teachers and all the staff of the school welcomed me with great affection and were happy to let me be with them during classes. With both teachers and students, we got to know each other by recounting our experiences and travels and discussing the Colombian school system and the differences with the Italian one. Everyone was happy in introducing me to Colombian culture and telling me what were the most beautiful places to visit.
Another important experience for me was learning about the Centro Social Unidad in Bogotá. Seeing by myself a reality built thanks to the will of some families and volunteers who donated their lives to meet a local need, walking in a neighborhood where people live in poverty, the hugs, curiosity and enthusiasm of those children touched and marked me deeply. I also happened to be there on the anniversary of Sol Naciente School and it was a nice celebration and opportunity to hear from some of the people who helped found the school.
During my time at the school, the students were busy preparing for English day and so I helped them in making materials and where they needed. Seeing their creativity and artistic and manual skills amazed me greatly. The students were curious to get to know me and were asking me various questions about Italy and my culture eager to travel and explore other countries.
I rediscovered in this month why I had chosen to study languages. When I was younger I remembered that I did not want language to be a barrier between people, and in this experience I was able to experience and touch that. My language skills in some situations were tools to help others interact and understand conversations.
There were also difficulties such as physical limitations due to difficulty adapting to the 2,600 meters altitude, having to go out accompanied by someone to be safer, and plans and schedules changing suddenly.
Through this volunteer work, I was given the gift of being able to live each day with gratitude, and I felt my desires were looked at and loved.
At the end of my experience I can say that the expectations I had before departure were fulfilled. By giving myself as I am, I felt that I was an instrument for others, and both before departure and during my time as a volunteer, I never felt alone. I met so many wonderful people and families, and one of the most painful things was having to say goodbye to them.
This volunteering made me see that sometimes it is not what you do but how you are and being there for each other that is important, and that we are all instruments of love for each other.
Thank you Colombia for welcoming me so warmly and for your burst of color and vitality.
I wish I could have more volunteer experiences because I felt myself and happy.